Jay was born.

1993 August 18

Created by Mam 7 years ago
Jay was born on August 18, 1993 in the QE Hospital, Gateshead, Tyne and Wear.
You where such a little fighter, you came into this world prematurely, so small but with amazing big lips, so handsome.  You had to be taken into the special care baby unit.  It was a very difficult time for you and me, you had to be put onto a drip but your veins where so small, so tiny that they kept collapsing and the fluid would seep into you and you would have swollen parts of your body, your feet, you wrists, your hands, where ever the drip was put.  You developed a hernia because, poor little you having needles and drips poked into you constantly, you screamed a lot, it was torture. You kept fighting though Jay and we where able to leave after 7 hard weeks.   
